Public affairs
& lobbying

A powerful story, valid arguments and a close-knit network; these are our building blocks for your lobby. With public affairs you build the relationship between the organization and the policymakers.

Public affairs and lobbying. It is the art of influencing decision-making in the political and stakeholder arena. It’s not a power play, it’s an interactive dialogue. Opinions and interests are tried and weighed by administrators, officials and politicians. All looking for support and the best possible outcome.

Hague helps you find allies with your authentic, promising story in order to increase your influence. Purpose-oriented, transparent and in close partnership with our clients. With our years of experience in The Hague and Brussels, we are your compass and guide in the political-administrative labyrinth.

Would you like to read more about what public affairs and lobbying entails? Read this blog

Vincent Nieuwelink - Chief Executive Officer

"A powerful story, valid arguments, and a tight network; the building blocks on which we base your lobbying activities."

Why Hague as your public affairs and lobbying agency

Hague Corporate Affairs is a full-service consultancy firm with offices in Amsterdam, The Hague, Brussels, and Paris. In the areas of public affairs and corporate communication we offer our clients a strategy and action. We help you tell your story and enhance your reputation. Besides that we offer advice on your influencing strategy in the political arena, with your stakeholders, and in the media. Our advisers have expert and substantive knowledge, are involved with our clients, and enjoy going the extra mile. We will do everything to bring your organisation closer to achieving its goals. Feel free to contact us so we can get to know each other.

Public affairs and lobbying case

"How a new alliance enforces sustainability policy"

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Hague Corporate Affairs has been part of FGS Global, a leading global communications and public affairs consulting firm, since October 1, 2024. This enables us to serve our clients even better. Want to read more about this partnership?