Attilio Caligiani

Do you have questions?

Please contact Partner Attilio Caligiani. He is happy to help you.

Association management

Organisation, communication, and representation: Hague offers a robust service package to promote your organisation’s interests. We have a proven track record when it comes to association management of the secretarial offices of European and global industry.
Effective representation of your interests in the ecosystems of administrative centres like The Hague and Brussels requires adequate representation of your organisation. Now more than ever, a consistent presentation of your ambitions can make or break your interaction with relevant stakeholders. With our association management service, Hague will make sure that your organisation can realise actual changes.

Do you have questions?

Attilio is happy to help.

attilio cagliani

Increase your influence

Whether we need to establish an industry association or support existing alliances – we are here to support you with the necessary actions. We ensure that you have an effective organisation and representation in the political and administrative arenas.
Hague offers your organisation the support you need for carrying out the day-to-day activities and during the implementation of your communication strategy through online and offline media. At the same time, we organise internal and external events to increase your visibility and to help you with the member recruitment process.
Hague strengthens your lobbying strategy and the political representation of your interests with relevant stakeholders. We help you expand your organisation’s network and increase your impact in the political and social debate.

Questions about association management? We are here to help you.


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Related services to association management

In addition to association management, we are also happy to help you with: