Attilio Caligiani

Do you have questions?

Please contact Partner Attilio Caligiani. He is happy to help you.

Political impact assessment

The political arena can be volatile, but with the right insights and a good network, a great deal can be predicted. Companies and organisations benefit from predictability and clarity, aspects that are not always at the forefront in politics and the government.
A political impact assessment carried out by Hague offers you the opportunity to keep on top of political developments and new policy plans that (will) affect your organisation. We inform you about the latest political trends and new legislation and regulations within the Netherlands and the EU. Furthermore, Hague offers advice on strategic choices that you can make in advance to ensure that your organisation is prepared for a new reality.
After all, due to the major transitions our society is experiencing, the political arena is continuously changing. This means you need to know about strategic trends that will have a serious impact. From sustainability to digitisation, sector-specific regulations may also have a significant impact on your operations.

Do you have questions?

Attilio is happy to help.

attilio cagliani

Anticipating change

Our political impact assessment offers guidance in turbulent times. Our insightful and clear reports, for both internal and external use, offer an overview of the expected trends in policies, the deadlines you may expect, the scenarios you need to consider, and what the political playing field will look like. In short: what are the risks and opportunities for your organisation?
You can prepare your organisation by anticipating changes, including those in legislation and policies. Hague will be happy to advise you on starting a proactive lobbying strategy to steer the developments in the right direction. This is how you secure your license to operate.

The Hague approach

Hague Corporate Affairs is a full-service consultancy firm with offices in Amsterdam, The Hague, Brussels, and Paris. In the areas of public affairs and corporate communication we offer our clients a strategy and action. We help you tell your story and enhance your reputation. Besides that we offer advice on your influencing strategy in the political arena, with your stakeholders, and in the media. Our advisers have expert and substantive knowledge, are involved with our clients, and enjoy going the extra mile. We will do everything to bring your organisation closer to achieving its goals. Feel free to contact us so we can get to know each other.

Questions about political impact assessment? We are here to help you.

Public affairs case

How Lapinus got a grip on European regulations – and gained clients.


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