Cooperation with the United States in trade and digital matters gives the EU more clout. The so-called Trade and Technology Council (TTC) is of great importance to the EU because it sets the standards in trade and technology for the rest of the century. The harmonization of standards can stimulate trade and innovation and reduce costs for your company.
What is it?
The European Union and then United States have launched the Trade and Technology Council (TTC). The TTC will serve as a forum for the US and EU to coordinate a shared approach to trade and technology and to deepen transatlantic economic relations.
By encouraging harmonization of standards and mutual investment the EU is intended to strengthen industrial leadership and boost innovation. To steer the cooperation, the TTC will meet periodically to discuss the work prepared by ten work groups focused on specific sectors policy fields, such AI, cybersecurity and semiconductors.
What does it mean for your business sector?
Through standardization, trade and innovation can be boosted and costs can be reduced for your company. Whether you are active in ICT, AI, Cybersecurity, Semiconductors, securing supply chains and the development of green technology, the TTC will be the place to work with.
How can you remain frontrunner?
So, do you want to remain a frontrunner in your field? Then Hague encourages you to be part of the discussion and develop new technology standards that will ensure that your company is able to set standards in the international marketplace and improve your international competitiveness.