The impact of climate change on global security

The impact of climate change on global security Insights from Gen (ret.) Stéphane Abrial Climate change is one of the most pressing challenges of our times. The issue goes beyond environmental concerns, and has far-reaching effects on livelihoods, health, geopolitical stability and migration. This has prone major nations to fast-track on the search for clean […]

Beyond the hype: sustainable impact also goes step by step

Entrepreneurs, corporate executives, and politicians like to dream about breakthrough innovations that change the world in one fell swoop. But in fact, real change demands a multitude of small-scale innovations. Together they add up to make a real difference. Innovation and sustainability are not just for frontrunners. Marion Banide, Account Director at Hague Corporate Affairs […]

Industrial policy is back in action

Industrial policy is back in action Is the Netherlands still an attractive location for businesses? Is the investment climate under pressure, as employer organisations claim? Is there enough room for the manufacturing industry, and how should that industry actually look like in 2030 or 2050 when we aim to be climate-neutral? We hear these questions […]


Tiny Waterstofhuisje

A Tiny hydrogen house next to the parliament Ten MP’s, twelve civil servants, one minister and four journalists. It sounds like the beginning of a bad joke, but it’s actually the result of a three-day event which Hague Corporate Affairs organized on behalf of Intergas, a producer of heating boilers and hybrid heat pumps. By […]

European supplier shared mobility

elektrische steps deelmobiliteit

A European supplier of shared mobility contacted us with an interesting case. They were not active in the Netherlands yet but saw there was a lot of potential growth in many Dutch cities. The question: help us build a network of stakeholders at local governments and make sure that those stakeholders can make decisions based […]

Do you know how to prepare for fit-for-55?

climate change global warming versus climate neutral by 2030

Met het Fit-for-55-pakket heeft de Europese Commissie een reeks ambitieuze initiatieven gelanceerd om de Europese industrie koolstofarmer te maken en om de emissie tegen 2030 met 55% te verminderen. Maar wat betekent dit concreet voor u? Laten we de plannen van de Europese Unie en de gevolgen ervan voor ondernemingen eens van dichtbij bekijken. On […]

Five questions for Jan Peter Balkenende

Jan Peter Balkenende

What will you be doing at Hague? At Hague, I will mainly give strategic advice to our clients about European and geopolitical developments. Transitions towards sustainability will be central to this. My involvement will mainly focus on the EU level. Why are organisations looking for this kind of advice? Important decisions are made in boardrooms, […]

The crucial role of corporate communications for a company in transition

Deadly floods and infernal heatwaves, inextinguishable fires, and appalling human rights abuses: it is hard to find reasons to rejoice when everything seems to go down the drain. For the younger generations who live with the threat of global warming hanging over their heads, angst is high. Who to look up to for advice, for […]


twitter post de nieuwe jaarbeurs

After 100 years, convention and exhibition centre Jaarbeurs wants to renovate its current location in Utrecht. It was up to Hague to ensure that the master plan for the new Jaarbeurs was embraced by the city of Utrecht. The master plan, drawn up by renowned architect Winy Maas of MVRDV, covers not only a new […]